Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cheap and easy Back to school present!!

Back to School 

For all those with children going back to school, I have read a few pinterest ideas with a school fairy. I wanted to do something for my son, but he is five and so over fairies.  Then I had so many extra wipe containers and was looking for a way to repurpose them. Again I hit pinterest again and nothing caught my attention. So then I put my two ideas together and created this .... 
A homework bin!! (I thought it was genius...) I remember as a kid I would find any excuse to get away from my homework, so lets make it impossible. 

NOTE: before you think this is expensive. Its not. I didn't even leave my house!! Last year when they did the back to school sales, I went and stocked up on school supplies. There were no more thasn $5 spent to make this box (including the stickers).

What you need: 
  • Letter sticker sheets (I used blue, grey & red). 
  • An old wipe box 
  • and the contents that you wish to put inside 
    • (I used) A box of colored pencils
    • box of crayons
    • box of markers 
    • a few pencils 
    • sharpener 
    • eraser 
    • scissors (the ones that only cut paper) 
    • and lastly glue 
  • For the wrapping ...
    • celophane 
    • a rubber band
    • ribbon
    • and tissue paper 

Also, the stickers I purchased were found on sale at a warehouse sale for Prima. They were super cheap so if your ever out shopping and find some cheap stickers just pick them up. I have used these same stickers for 3 projects already! 
Here are the steps to make the back to school box:

  1. Gather your supplies 
  2. Take your wipe box and pop the lid off (I saved it, I have a feeling at some point all the boxes will end up missing or in shreds).
  3. Next grab all your stickers and start placing randomly, whatever looks good to you. 

    1. I decided to put his name, hoping he will use it to learn writing his name.
  4. Next I placed a yellow green piece of tissue paper on the bottom to make it look like a present.
  5. add the contents to the box, make it presentable. 

  6. Next wrap it in cellophane, use the rubber band to tie it up
  7. Lastly, put a nice ribbon on it and your done!