Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Turkey 2012

SO... I Have been away for a long time... I have all these great ideas for blog post, but cant seem to find the time to do anything! But I have time today.... I was on pinterest yesterday and found some great activities for the kiddos. But my favorite is a thankful turkey, Which I pulled from a couple different sites to make it my own. 
So the Initial Idea was from this post on pinterest! I hope the link works, I am not trying to take credit that is not mine...
After sleeping on it. I decided to find a template of a turkey to begin the process! I found a great site that had the turkey template and other animals too!
Please Go check their website. They make it really easy to print what you need and show you how its supposed to go. 

Since I was on my computer I figured I could go ahead and print what I needed onto the color I wanted. Making easy to just cut and paste. 

I also used word documents to print out the lettering I would need! Hope you like it and good luck> My family and I will sit at dinner together and talk about what we will write on our feathers.

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