Saturday, June 29, 2013

Teacher end of the year gift!

So to follow up on that last post on the teacher gifts (  
... I had decided to not do the weekly gift since the last day of school was in a week! But I loved the idea that I didn't want to spend too much money since that's not what's important! I had donated materials to the classroom throughout the year. And gave the teacher gifts at all occasions possible. I wanted her to know we were thinking of her without all the money! So here is what I came up with...

I went to Albertsons and bought a plastic cup with that jelly stuff to help keep the drink cold. And bought a couple king size candy bars. And used some fillers I already had at home, (from birthday parties).  I made a simple thank you tag with a personal note using stuff I had at home and some ribbon. Total I might have spent $15. The cup was the biggest expense! Here it is... Let me know what you think.

Sorry for the blurry picture ... so not my style! 

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