Saturday, June 29, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Gift!!

Since not many people read this, it is a little hard to be encouraged to keep up with it. I'll try a little harder since I know I can relate to many moms out there and I would LOVE feedback on my little projects. I am a first time mom with two kids. My son(step) is 5 years old and my daughter is 2! It has been a struggle to adjust to a life with 2 kids, especially since recently I have had to switch as a full time parent for my son. 

 I was excited for his first year of school but I never realized that all the cute and nice ideas that I saw on pinterest would put a hole in my pocket! So toward the end of the year convincing hubby to fork over more money was a little of a fight, especially since the school our son was in many parents didn't seem to be involved. 

Well, with that said teacher appreciation week was vastly approaching and my intent was to do a small gift every day of the week. But then the end of the year was coming to an end and that was 6 gifts I had to plan and purchase. Well with the chaoticness (I know its not a word but it should be) of motherhood I completely forgot about the gifts! So Monday I come home from dropping my son off at school and it hits me .... ahhh the gift! I have 2 hours to put something together!!! So here is what I did ...

I had old jars of spaghetti sauce cleaned out and peeled ready for use! I used my cricut to cut out an M for Mrs.M using vinyl and I remember her telling me purple was her favorite color! I threw in some cotton balls and some new files I had purchased a couple weeks ago. I grabbed some purple ribbon and tied it around the top of the jar. Lastly, I wrote out a little poem using as many M words as possible, to put inside ...

The poem read:: 
Mrs. Montero,
Thanks a Million
For being such a
Marvelous Maestra!

Hope you get a Minute
For some Me time,
Here is a little something
Hope it Helps!

Then I ran to rite aid and bought 3 nail  polishes all in the purple family & on sale, some single use nail polish removers, toe separators & tape to cover the lid! I ended up spending less than $6 on the whole gift and I ended up really liking it! Hope you do too!! 

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