Thursday, August 8, 2013

Back to school supply box

A couple weeks ago I was debating on either reusing the container I made my son last year or buying/making him a new one for the new school year. Here is the link from the first one:
(please let me know if my links work).
So, I made my mind up and decided to reuse the same box from last year (since its big enough to fit all his school supplies. I did add some stickers to the lid to make it look less like a diaper box. So besides reusing the wipes container I also reused the following supplies: 
(not really reuse since the pencils are new) 

So here's the box:: 

And here is what I bought ... I spent a little less than $3.

And here is how I set it up...

And this is what he came to... He was so excited!

Hope you like it!!!

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